The standards we hold our work to ensure our results are always approved and authorised by current legislation. All our machines are reviewed by the manufacturer.
GARLO has a workforce of operators trained to the GWO standard, with over 15 years’ experience in the sector. All have been trained to work on platforms under the UNE 58923 standard and hold PAL (Powered Access Licence) certificates and cards. They have also received occupational risk prevention training which permits them to operate as preventive resources in the work that they carry out.
We encourage the participation of all employees in the improvement and operation of the quality, environment and health and safety system implemented.
We create a work environment where there is a continuous increase of client and employee satisfaction.
We provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and deterioration of health, appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organisation and the specific nature of our OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities. We identify, evaluate and eliminate or minimise the risks to which our employees are exposed, and prioritise Health and Safety over everything else. We apply the Stop Work Authority (SWA) Policy at work.
Every person working with GARLO has the obligation to act quickly and stop any activity that poses a risk to their or others’ health and safety or that may cause damage to the environment. Any unsafe behaviour, action, omission or situation that could potentially cause an accident or environmental damage must be promptly reported to a manager. This policy must be applied without fear of consequences. No blame or liability will be attributed to employees or contractors who in good faith report a hazardous situation or stop working, even if it is seen later that it was unnecessary to do so.
In an era of great advances, environmental sustainability has a fundamental role in the performance of the company’s activity, both from the point of view of responsibility towards the preservation of the environment and resources, as well as the generation of new ideas and expectations.
In this sense GARLO has strengthened its commitment to the environment with the implementation of the ISO 14001:2015 standard in which it has analyzed the environmental impact of its activity and based on the Life Cycle of the services provided it has determined its Significant Environmental Aspects for which it has established internal goals based on energy efficiency, reduction of natural resources, reduction of emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, etc.
From this commitment, GARLO wants to involve all its customers and suppliers so that they are aware of the work that is being carried out internally.
During 2023, the company set the goal of reducing fuel consumption; it has been observed that it has been reduced by 1%.
After reviewing the environmental impact produced in 2023, we observe that those aspects of the company with the greatest significance in terms of environmental impact due to its toxicity or consumption during the development of the company’s activity in 2024 are:
The company evaluates these aspects and has established goals to minimize the impact during this new cycle. One of the goals we have set is to reduce the amount of waste generated by the company, in order to reduce the pollution they cause.